Yesterday this letter arrived:


Wah, our once little girl is now an adult, with a title and receiving letters from the government!

Nuni finally reported for duty at Sg Buluh hospital yesterday. She came home with loads of forms to fill in. One of them is for the particulars of her parents. Suddenly it dawned to me that I am now medically covered at government hospital, now that my daughter is a government servant! How cool. (Both DH and I were government servants once upon a time, but not anymore now).

Nuni opened her EPF account yesterday too. Finally, she’s really earning! wow, it was a looooong wait from the year she set for her SPM (Nov 2000) –  almost 9 years ago? OK, almost one year was wasted waiting for the results and to get scholarship, 2 years of A-Level, and then almost 6 years for her medical degree and to get the posting. Hmm….

I hope if anything happens to DH or I (or both of us), Nuni will be responsible enough to take charge.

In the mean time, all the best to Nuni! Have a lot of patience (& patients too 😉 ). Life is not really a bed of roses, especially not in a government hospital, I guess…


It never occured to me that this girl will become a doctor!

10 thoughts on “Our Baby Girl is Independent Now!

  1. Tumpang gembira dengan kejayaan Nuni. Well, it’s nice to see a ‘Dr.’ infront of my name, hehehe…. Can still remember you calling me after you gave birth to Nuni — all the way from Australia to US. You have every right to feel proud and ‘sebak’. Now, wait for the ‘engineers’ to come out of the pipeline.


  2. Tahniah Dr Nuraini..nama ni akak saya ingat bila berurusan dengan Hosp Sg Buluh…bukan nya urusan apa pun..tgk orang sakit laa…hehehe

    Lama nya belajar baru dapat bergelar Dr!
    Wajah dia saling tak tumpah seperti bapa dia…sejuk kata orang..rambut maggi tu ikut sapa yer…


  3. Nury,

    Pipeline utk engineers tu macam tersumbat je, Hahaha!!

    Dulu masa dia kecik2, dia marah betul kalau org kata muka dia macam bapa dia.

    Skrg ni bila pakai tudung, ramai org kata muka dia macam muka i dah, ok lah tu..

    Rambut kerinting tu daripada aborigines kot! Tak lah… Sebelah bapa dia mmg ada yg rambut kerinting. Cousin dia sorg tu lagi kerinting.

    Dulu masa sek, kawan2 Nuni panggil dia Maggi Mee!


  4. Congrats! Does that mean that when our place at Damansara Perdana is ready, she’s going to be our local doctor? 😀


  5. tahniah yer…

    sejuk perut sis mengandung….dah ada doktor..senang sakit pening mak n ayah…bole tengok2kan…

    semoga berkhidmat dengan gemilang cemerlang n terbilang..
    berkhidmat untuk negara!!!


  6. Howard,

    I guess if you are unlucky, you might get stuck with Dr Nuni at the Sg Buluh Hospital, LOL!


    hopefully dia tabah dan tahan lah dgn gomen 🙂


  7. salam kak…

    maklang lompat dari kak ezza ni…

    tahniah buat anak akak…memang lama betul ye nak jadi Dr ni…puas belajar..Alhamdulillah usaha berbaloi!

    Insyaallah anak maklang pun berangan nak jadi Dr. Moga2 anak2 kita berjaya kan…


  8. maklang,

    terima kasih kerana sudi singgah di blog i 🙂
    terima kasih atas ucapan tahniah tu…

    mmg lah, lama tunggu anak nk jadi doktor. Tapi kalau buat locally, matric 1 tahun, degree 5 tahun – jimat setahun. anak i tu buat a-level, tu jadi lagi lama tu…

    anak maklang tu dah besar mana dah tu? moga2 dia pun berjaya, amin!


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